// An example of nested try statements. class NestTry { public static void main(String args[]) { try { int a = args.length; /* If no command-line args are present,the following statement will generate a divide-by-zero exception. */ int b = 42 / a; System.out.println("a = " + a); try { // nested try block /* If one command-line arg is used,then a divide-by-zero exception will be generated by the following code. */ if(a==1) a = a/(a-a); // division by zero /* If two command-line args are used,then generate an out-of-bounds exception. */ if(a==2) { int c[] = { 1 }; c[42] = 99; // generate an out-of-bounds exception } } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("Array index out-of-bounds: " + e); } } catch(ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("Divide by 0: " + e); } } }
C:\>java NestTry
Divide by 0: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
C:\>java NestTry One
a = 1
Divide by 0: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
C:\>java NestTry One Two
a = 2
Array index out-of-bounds: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
当有方法调用时,try语句的嵌套可以很隐蔽的发生。例如,你可以把对方法的调用放在一个try块中。在该方法内部,有另一个try语句。这种情况下,方法内部的try仍然是嵌套在外部调用该方法的try块中的。下面是前面例子的修改,嵌套的try块移到了方法nesttry( )的内部:
/* Try statements can be implicitly nested via calls to methods. */ class MethNestTry { static void nesttry(int a) { try { // nested try block /* If one command-line arg is used,then a divide-by-zero exception will be generated by the following code. */ if(a==1) a = a/(a-a); // division by zero /* If two command-line args are used,then generate an out-of-bounds exception. */ if(a==2) { int c[] = { 1 }; c[42] = 99; // generate an out-of-bounds exception } } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("Array index out-of-bounds: " + e); } } public static void main(String args[]) { try { int a = args.length; /* If no command-line args are present,the following statement will generate a divide-by-zero exception. */ int b = 42 / a; System.out.println("a = " + a); nesttry(a); } catch(ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("Divide by 0: " + e); } } }