修改jsp文件tomcat发布失败(Could not delete May be locked by another process)
[摘要:倏忽项目点窜jsp文件后,tomcat不克不及宣布, Publishing failed with multiple errors Could not delete D:/Tomcat 6.0/webapps/Server/WEB-INF/platform/configuration/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.manager/.tmp1900396474661591532.instance. c.]
Publishing failed with multiple errors
Could not delete D:/Tomcat 6.0/webapps/Server/WEB-INF/platform/configuration/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.manager/.tmp1900396474661591532.instance. c.
Could not delete D:/Tomcat 6.0/webapps/Server/WEB-INF/platform/configuration/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.manager/.tmp1907896664996379798.instance. May be locked by another process.
Could not delete D:/Tomcat 6.0/webapps/Server/WEB-INF/platform/configuration/org.eclipse.equinox.app/.manager/.tmp2761653564891974481.instance. May be locked by another process.
I was getting the annoying error in Eclipse with Tomcat where it didn’t think it could publish an application since some files were locked, when they were locked by the javaw.exe process that eclipse.exe started. The fix for me was to not have “Use Tomcat installation” selected in my server configuration. When I switched back to the default of “Use workspace metadata”, the error stopped happening.
I performed a “clean” operation on the Tomcat server instance and the problem just went away. It’s being doing fine since that. I’ll let you know if I see this issue again.
[http://forums.adobe.com/message/2457298?tstart=0](3楼: )
这 个web项目引用了另外一个java项目(项目B),两个项目有一些相同的jar包,是不是这些相同的jar发布的问题呢,我把项目B的 Java EE Module Dependencies(项目B右键->Properties->Java EE Module Dependencies)里的jar包引用去掉,问题解决了。
3.new server
简单有效可行的方法,把原来抛错的tomcat server delete,再重新 new 一个!!!
我 用的是最后一个。。